Dokumentasi Suku Dayak Ngaju dan Ot Danum Abad 18-19 M

This is Collections of BASEL MISSION

Title: "A piece of jungle has been burned down. The people are planting rice. Note
the large hats. Typically they are only worn when people are at work."
Alternate title: [translation] A piece of jungle has been burned down. The people are
planting rice. Note the large hats. Typically they are only worn when people
are at work.
[original caption] Niedergebranntes Stück Urwald. Die Leute sind am
Reispflanzen. Typisch sind die grossen, nur während der Arbeit getragenen
Ref. number: B-30.62.063
Date: Date late: 31.12.1946
Proper date: 01.01.1924-31.12.1946
Description: [Original text]: "II. Teil Dajaksche Reisbauer: Reisfeld."
[English: "II. Part. Dajak rice-farmers: rice field."]
[Stamps]: "Museum der Basler Mission Basel, Missionsstrasse 21."

"The 'leader of souls' sings as the rice is strewed around."

Title: "The 'leader of souls' sings as the rice is strewed around."
Alternate title: [translation] The 'leader of souls' sings as the rice is strewed around.
[original caption] Der 'Seelenführer' singt z. Reisstreuen.
Ref. number: B-30.68.004
Creator: Vischer, Mattheus Karl Mr
Date: Date late: 31.12.1937
Proper date: 01.01.1927-31.12.1937
Description: [Stamps]: "Museum der Basler Mission Basel, Missionsstrasse 21."
Subject: [Individuals]: V: Vischer, Mattheus Karl Mr
[Photographers / Photo Studios]: V: Vischer, Mattheus Karl Mr
[Geography]: Asia {continent}: Indonesia {modern state}: Kalimantan
[Themes]: religion and philosophy (phenomena): rituals and festivals: death ceremony.

"The so-called 'manjaki' for the rice. It is being sprinkled with the blood of a hen before
the rice is planted."
Title: "The so-called 'manjaki' for the rice. It is being sprinkled with the blood of a
hen before the rice is planted."
Alternate title: [translation] The so-called 'manjaki' for the rice. It is being sprinkled with the
blood of a hen before the rice is planted.
[original caption] Das sog. 'manjaki' des Reises, das Besprengen desselben
mit Hühnerblut, vor dem Reisstecken.
Ref. number: B-30.62.065
Date: Date late: 31.12.1946
Proper date: 01.01.1924-31.12.1946
Subject: [Geography]: Asia {continent}: Indonesia {modern state}: Kalimantan
[Themes]: recreation - enjoyment and indulgence: festivities: ceremony:
ceremonial scene
[Themes]: economy and daily life: agriculture and animal husbandry: clearing.

"A ladang field (A field for dry rice. This has not been used for two years)."

Title: "A ladang field (A field for dry rice. This has not been used for two years)."
Alternate title: [translation] A ladang field (A field for dry rice. This has not been used for
two years).
[original caption] Ein Ladangfeld (trockenes Reisfeld das etwa 2 Jahre nicht
mehr bepflanzt ist).
Ref. number: B-30.63.067
Date: Date late: 31.12.1945
Proper date: 01.01.1924-31.12.1945
Description: [Stamps]: "Museum der Basler Mission Basel, Missionsstrasse 21."
Subject: [Geography]: Asia {continent}: Indonesia {modern state}: Kalimantan
[Themes]: formal description: agricultural scene
[Themes]: economy and daily life: agriculture and animal husbandry:
[Themes]: economy and daily life: agriculture and animal husbandry: field
[Themes]: environment: botany: forest
[Archives catalogue]: Images: B: B-30: B-30.63 - South-east Borneo. III Religion. A) islamic, b) traditional.

Title: "Fishing."
Alternate title: [translation] Fishing.
[original caption] Fischerei.
Ref. number: QB-30.017.0005
Creator: Göttin, Johann Wilhelm (Mr)
Date: Date late: 31.12.1946
Proper date: 01.01.1928-31.12.1946
Subject: [Individuals]: G: Göttin, Johann Wilhelm (Mr)
[Photographers / Photo Studios]: G: Göttin, Johann Wilhelm (Mr)
[Geography]: Asia {continent}: Indonesia {modern state}: Kalimantan
[Themes]: special objects and materials: containers: bucket
[Themes]: economy and daily life: hunting and fishing: fishing
[Themes]: social structure and socialization: gender - age and kinship: man
[Themes]: special objects and materials: containers: net
[Themes]: environment: physical environment: river: river scene
[Archives catalogue]: Images: QB: QB-30: QB-30.017 - Photographs, Borneo II.

"Trading with wild rubber. The fluid rubber and a sort of soda are made solid, which is
then pressed, offered for sale snf then dried. Teh rubber is stored behind the fence.
[reading uncertain]."

Title: "Trading with wild rubber. The fluid rubber and a sort of soda are made solid,
which is then pressed, offered for sale snf then dried. Teh rubber is stored
behind the fence. [reading uncertain]."
Alternate title: [translation] Trading with wild rubber. The fluid rubber and a sort of soda are
made solid, which is then pressed, offered for sale snf then dried. Teh rubber
is stored behind the fence. [reading uncertain].
[original caption] Handel mit wildem Gummi. Gummiflüssigk. u. 1 Sodaart
fest gemacht u. so zum Kaufangebot gepresst, später dann getrocknet.
Hinter dem Gitter ist d. Gummi auf gespeichert. [Entzifferung unklar].
Ref. number: QB-30.007.0039
Date: Date late: 31.12.1940
Proper date: 01.01.1921-31.12.1940
Description: [Original text]: "Wiedergabe in Missionsblättern nicht gestattet."
[English: "Reproduction in mission publications not permitted."]
[Stamps]: "Museum der Basler Mission, Basel, Missionsstrasse 21."

Title: "Giant snake with a pig it has swallowed."

Alternate title: [translation] Giant snake with a pig it has swallowed.
[original caption] Riesenschlange m. verschlucktem Schwein.
Ref. number: QB-34.002.0015
Description: [Stamps]: "Carl Bittmann, Basel."
Subject: [Geography]: Asia {continent}: Indonesia {modern state}: Kalimantan
[Archives catalogue]: Images: QB: QB-34: QB-34.002 - untitled
Type: Still Image
Format: [Format]: 5.3 x 8.6 cm
[Support]: 8.5 x 10 cm
[Process]: b/w positive & transparency & gelatin-silver
[Type of support]: glass

"Tiger from the Topiner mountains. February 1936. From Rev. Erny."
  Title: "Tiger from the Topiner mountains. February 1936. From Rev. Erny."
Alternate title: [translation] Tiger from the Topiner mountains. February 1936. From Rev. Erny.
[original caption] Tiger aus den Topinerbergen. Februar 1936. Von Missionar K. Erny.
Ref. number: QS-30.026.0066
Date: Proper date: February 1936
Subject: [Individuals]: E: Erny, Karl Ferdinand (Mr)
[Photographers / Photo Studios]: E: Erny, Karl Ferdinand (Mr)
[Geography]: Africa {continent}
[Geography]: Asia {continent}: China {modern state}
[Geography]: Europe {continent}
[Geography]: Asia {continent}: Indonesia {modern state}: Kalimantan
[Themes]: communication: group
[Themes]: economy and daily life: hunting and fishing: hunting trophy
Basel Mission Archives
[Themes]: environment: zoology: tiger
[Themes]: formal description: zoological scene
[Archives catalogue]: Images: QS: QS-30: QS-30.026 - untitled
"A crocodile which has been killed (Rev. Gerlach on trek)."

  Title: "A crocodile which has been killed (Rev. Gerlach on trek)."
Alternate title: [translation] A crocodile which has been killed (Rev. Gerlach on trek).
[original caption] Erlegtes Krokodil (Miss. Gerlach a. Reisen).
Ref. number: B-30.61.046
Date: Date late: 31.12.1940
Proper date: 01.01.1927-31.12.1940
Description: [Stamps]: "Museum der Basler Mission Basel, Missionsstrasse 21."
Subject: [Individuals]: G: Gerlach, Georg (Mr)
[Geography]: Asia {continent}: Indonesia {modern state}: Kalimantan {region}
[Themes]: travel and transport: means and types of transport: boat
[Themes]: environment: zoology: crocodile
[Themes]: special objects and materials: weapon: firearm
[Themes]: communication: group
[Themes]: anthropology of the body: headdress: hat
[Themes]: economy and daily life: hunting and fishing: hunting trophy
[Themes]: religion and philosophy (general): Christianity: missionary m
[Themes]: architecture and settlement: architectural detail: roof: thatched roof
[Themes]: formal description: zoological scene
[Themes]: anthropology of the body: headdress: sun helmet
[Archives catalogue]: Images: B: B-30: B-30.61 - South East Borneo. Secular themes. 1 a Landscapes, (Landscapes, photos of geographical interest, plants and animals). B. Buildings, places.

 "Head and hand of an Orang Utang."

 Title: "Head and hand of an Orang Utang."
Alternate title: [translation] Head and hand of an Orang Utang.
[original caption] Kopf u. Hand eines Orang-Utan.
Ref. number: B-30.68.050
Creator: Vischer, Mattheus Karl Mr
Date: Date late: 31.12.1931
Proper date: 01.01.1930-31.12.1931
Description: [Stamps]: "Museum der Basler Mission Basel, Missionsstrasse 21."
Subject: [Individuals]: V: Vischer, Mattheus Karl Mr
[Photographers / Photo Studios]: V: Vischer, Mattheus Karl Mr
[Geography]: Asia {continent}: Indonesia {modern state}: Kalimantan {region}
[Themes]: environment: zoology: ape
[Themes]: economy and daily life: hunting and fishing: hunter m
[Themes]: social structure and socialization: gender - age and kinship: man: portrait m
[Themes]: anthropology of the body: anthropology of the body - general: head
[Archives catalogue]: Images: B: B-30: B-30.68 - S.E. Borneo. VI secular themes - religion, mission. Photographs from Dr Vischer.

 "A giant snake which has been captured."(Tangkalaluk bhs Dayak)

 Title: "A giant snake which has been captured."
Alternate title: [translation] A giant snake which has been captured.
[original caption] Gefangene Riesenschlange.
Ref. number: QB-30.101.0012
Creator: Zimmer, Woldemar (Mr)
Subject: [Individuals]: Z: Zimmer, Woldemar (Mr)
[Photographers / Photo Studios]: Z: Zimmer, Woldemar (Mr)
[Geography]: Asia {continent}: Indonesia {modern state}: Kalimantan
[Archives catalogue]: Images: QB: QB-30: QB-30.101 - untitled
Type: Still Image
Format: [Format]: 9 x 11.9 cm
[Process]: b/w positive & paper print & gelatin-silver.

 "Dajak house of the upper district. In front the inevitable Sandongs. A tree trunk on which steps have been carved serves as a stairway.."

Title: "Dajak house of the upper district. In front the inevitable Sandongs. A tree trunk on which steps have been carved serves as a stairway.."
Alternate title: [translation] Dajak house of the upper district. In front the inevitable Sandongs. A tree trunk on which steps have been carved serves as a stairway..
[original caption] Dajakhaus des Oberlandes, davor die unentbehrlichen Sandongs, als Treppe dient ein eingekerbter Holzstamm.
Ref. number: B-30.63.056
Description: [Stamps]: "Museum der Basler Mission Basel, Missionsstrasse 21."
Subject: [Geography]: Asia {continent}: Indonesia {modern state}: Kalimantan {region}
[Archives catalogue]: Images: B: B-30: B-30.63 - South-east Borneo. III
Religion. A) islamic, b) traditional Type: Still Image

"Non-christian house on the upper Kapuas."

Title: "Non-christian house on the upper Kapuas."
Alternate title: [translation] Non-christian house on the upper Kapuas.
[original caption] Heidenhaus am obern Kapuas.
Ref. number: B-30.61.091
Creator: Vischer, Mattheus Karl Mr
Date: Date late: 31.12.1932
Proper date: 01.01.1927-31.12.1932
Description: [Stamps]: "Museum der Basler Mission Basel, Missionsstrasse 21."
Subject: [Individuals]: V: Vischer, Mattheus Karl Mr
[Photographers / Photo Studios]: V: Vischer, Mattheus Karl Mr
[Geography]: Asia {continent}: Indonesia {modern state}: Kalimantan
[Geography]: Asia {continent}: Indonesia {modern state}: Kalimantan
{region}: Kapuas (river) {other geogr names}

"Houses made of bark, Bajoeh, on the upper Kapuas (Kalimantan)."

Title: "Houses made of bark, Bajoeh, on the upper Kapuas (Kalimantan)."
Alternate title: [translation] Houses made of bark, Bajoeh, on the upper Kapuas (Kalimantan).
[original caption] Häuser aus Rinde, Bajoeh am oberen Kapuas (Kalimantan).
Ref. number: B-30.61.134
Subject: [Geography]: Asia {continent}: Indonesia {modern state}: Kalimantan {region}
[Archives catalogue]: Images: B: B-30: B-30.61 - South East Borneo. Secular themes. 1 a Landscapes, (Landscapes, photos of geographical interest, plants and animals). B. Buildings, places.
Type: Still Image
Format: [Format]: 8.4 x 11.1 cm
[Process]: b/w positive & paper print & gelatin-silver
[Type of support]: [leerl] W 1201

 "Dajak house on the Katingan (Cf. the report by Schärer 139)."

Title: "Dajak house on the Katingan (Cf. the report by Schärer 139)."
Alternate title: [translation] Dajak house on the Katingan (Cf. the report by Schärer 139).
[original caption] Dajakhaus a. Katingan (Cf. Ber. Schärer 139).
Ref. number: B-30.61.100
Creator: Witschi, Hermann (Mr)
Date: Date late: 31.12.1940
Proper date: 01.01.1926-31.12.1940
Description: [Stamps]: "Museum der Basler Mission Basel, Missionsstrasse 21."
Subject: [Individuals]: W: Witschi, Hermann (Mr)
[Photographers / Photo Studios]: W: Witschi, Hermann (Mr)
[Geography]: Asia {continent}: Indonesia {modern state}: Kalimantan {region}
[Geography]: Dajak {people}
[Geography]: Asia {continent}: Indonesia {modern state}: Kalimantan
region}: Katingan (river) {other geogr names}

"Dayak long house in Tumbang Tangoi, the last village on the upper Kahajan."

Title: "Dayak long house in Tumbang Tangoi, the last village on the upper Kahajan."
Alternate title: [translation] Dayak long house in Tumbang Tangoi, the last village on the upper Kahajan.
[original caption] Dajaksches Langhaus i. Tumbang Tangoi, das letzte Dorf am obern Kahajan.
Ref. number: B-30.61.114
Creator: Haffner, Hugo (Mr)
Date: Date late: 31.12.1938
Proper date: 01.01.1931-31.12.1938
Description: [Stamps]: "Museum der Basler Mission Basel, Missionsstrasse 21."
Subject: [Individuals]: H: Haffner, Hugo (Mr)
[Photographers / Photo Studios]: H: Haffner, Hugo (Mr)
[Geography]: Asia {continent}: Indonesia {modern state}: Kalimantan {region}
[Geography]: Dajak {people}
[Geography]: Asia {continent}: Indonesia {modern state}: Kalimantan
{region}: Kahajan (river) {other geogr names}

"Typical rice-barn, which you see everywhere. You make the rice a beautiful house - it has, after all, a soul. The rice barns are often more beautiful than the houses the people live in. In the background: Kubau mountain."

 Title: "Typical rice-barn, which you see everywhere. You make the rice a beautiful house - it has, after all, a soul. The rice barns are often more beautiful than the houses the people live in. In the background: Kubau mountain."
Alternate title: [translation] Typical rice-barn, which you see everywhere. You make the rice a beautiful house - it has, after all, a soul. The rice barns are often more beautiful than the houses the people live in. In the background: Kubau mountain.
[original caption] Typische Reisscheuer, wie man sie dort überall hat. Man macht dem Reis, der ja auch eine Seele hat, ein schönes Haus. Manchmal sind sie schöner als die eigenen Wohnhäuser. Im Hintergrund der  Berg Kubau.
Ref. number: B-30.61.119
Creator: Göttin, Johann Wilhelm (Mr)
Date: Date late: 31.12.1946
Proper date: 01.01.1928-31.12.1946

 "Damang house in Tumbang Melahoi."

Title: "Damang house in Tumbang Melahoi."
Alternate title: [translation] Damang house in Tumbang Melahoi.
[original caption] Damangshaus i. Tumbang. Melahoi.
Ref. number: B-30.64.128
Creator: Rihs, Arnold (Mr)
Date: Date late: 31.12.1945
Proper date: 01.01.1936-31.12.1945
Acquisition year: 1947
Description: [Stamps]: "Museum der Basler Mission Basel, Missionsstrasse 21."
Subject: [Individuals]: R: Rihs, Arnold (Mr)
[Photographers / Photo Studios]: R: Rihs, Arnold (Mr)
[Geography]: Asia {continent}: Indonesia {modern state}: Kalimantan {region}
[Geography]: Asia {continent}: Indonesia {modern state}: Kalimantan
{region}: Tumbang Melahoi {place}

"Senior Chief Singa Manfir from Tewang Padjangan (Kahajan)."

Title: "Senior Chief Singa Manfir from Tewang Padjangan (Kahajan)."
Alternate title: [translation] Senior Chief Singa Manfir from Tewang Padjangan (Kahajan).
[original caption] Oberhäuptling Singa Mantir von Tewang Padjangan (Kahajan).
Ref. number: QB-30.006.0004
Date: Date late: 31.12.1921
Proper date: 01.01.1911-31.12.1921
Subject: [Geography]: Asia {continent}: Indonesia {modern state}: Kalimantan {region}
[Geography]: Asia {continent}: Indonesia {modern state}: Kalimantan
{region}: Kahajan (river) {other geogr names}
[Geography]: Asia {continent}: Indonesia {modern state}: Kalimantan
{region}: Tewang Padjangan {place}
[Themes]: individual roles: offices: chief m
[Themes]: administration and government: administration and government - general: chief's wife.

"Dajak priests."

Title: "Dajak priests."
Alternate title: [translation] Dajak priests.
[original caption] Dajaksche Zauberpriester.
Ref. number: B-30.63.100
Creator: Baier, Johann Georg (Mr)
Date: Date late: 31.12.1935
Proper date: 01.01.1924-31.12.1935
Description: [Stamps]: "Museum der Basler Mission Basel, Missionsstrasse 21."
Subject: [Individuals]: B: Baier, Johann Georg (Mr)
[Photographers / Photo Studios]: B: Baier, Johann Georg (Mr)
[Geography]: Asia {continent}: Indonesia {modern state}: Kalimantan {region}
[Geography]: Dajak {people}
[Themes]: architecture and settlement: furnishings: furniture: bench.

"A friendly non-christian in the clothes of a priest."

Title: "A friendly non-christian in the clothes of a priest."
Alternate title: [translation] A friendly non-christian in the clothes of a priest.
[original caption] Ein gutmütiger Heide in Priesterkleidung.
Ref. number: B-30.63.135
Creator: Rihs, Arnold (Mr)
Date: Date late: 31.12.1945
Proper date: 01.01.1936-31.12.1945
Acquisition year: 1947
Description: [Stamps]: "Museum der Basler Mission Basel, Missionsstrasse 21."
Subject: [Individuals]: R: Rihs, Arnold (Mr)
[Photographers / Photo Studios]: R: Rihs, Arnold (Mr)
[Geography]: Asia {continent}: Indonesia {modern state}: Kalimantan {region}
[Themes]: anthropology of the body: adornment.

"Dajaks in Tewah at play."

Title: "Dajaks in Tewah at play."
Alternate title: [translation] Dajaks in Tewah at play.
[original caption] Dajak i. Tewah b. Spiel.
Ref. number: B-30.62.032
Creator: Haffner, Hugo (Mr)
Date: Date late: 31.12.1938
Proper date: 01.01.1931-31.12.1938
Description: [Stamps]: "Museum der Basler Mission Basel, Missionsstrasse 21."
Subject: [Individuals]: H: Haffner, Hugo (Mr)
[Photographers / Photo Studios]: H: Haffner, Hugo (Mr)
[Geography]: Asia {continent}: Indonesia {modern state}: Kalimantan {region}
[Geography]: Dajak {people}
[Geography]: Asia {continent}: Indonesia {modern state}: Kalimantan {region}: Tewah {place}
[Themes]: communication: audience
[Themes]: recreation - enjoyment and indulgence: festivities: dancer m
[Themes]: music - art and literature: music and percussion: percussion, instrument: drum.

"A war dance in Tumbang Sian on the Miri."

Title: "A war dance in Tumbang Sian on the Miri."
Alternate title: [translation] A war dance in Tumbang Sian on the Miri.[original caption] Kriegstanz i. Tumbang Sian am Miri.
Ref. number: B-30.62.021
Description: [Stamps]: "Museum der Basler Mission Basel, Missionsstrasse 21."
Subject: [Geography]: Asia {continent}: Indonesia {modern state}: Kalimantan {region}
[Geography]: Asia {continent}: Indonesia {modern state}: Kalimantan
{region}: Tumbang Sian {place}
[Themes]: communication: audience
[Themes]: recreation - enjoyment and indulgence: festivities: ceremony: ceremonial scene
[Themes]: recreation - enjoyment and indulgence: festivities: dancer m
[Themes]: anthropology of the body: adornment: feather
[Themes]: anthropology of the body: headdress: headgear
[Themes]: anthropology of the body: clothing: loincloth

"Dajaks on the upper Kahajan doing a sword dance."

Title: "Dajaks on the upper Kahajan doing a sword dance."
Alternate title: [translation] Dajaks on the upper Kahajan doing a sword dance.
[original caption] Dajak am oberen Kahajan b. Schwertertanz.
Ref. number: B-30.62.033
Creator: Haffner, Hugo (Mr)
Date: Date late: 31.12.1938
Proper date: 01.01.1931-31.12.1938
Acquisition year: 1938
Description: [Stamps]: "Museum der Basler Mission Basel, Missionsstrasse 21."
Subject: [Individuals]: H: Haffner, Hugo (Mr)
[Photographers / Photo Studios]: H: Haffner, Hugo (Mr)
[Geography]: Asia {continent}: Indonesia {modern state}: Kalimantan {region}
[Geography]: Dajak {people}
[Geography]: Asia {continent}: Indonesia {modern state}: Kalimantan {region}: Kahajan (river) {other geogr names}.

"Traditional priests at a funeral on the upper Kahajan."

Title: "Traditional priests at a funeral on the upper Kahajan."
Alternate title: [translation] Traditional priests at a funeral on the upper Kahajan.
[original caption] Zauberpriester bei Totenfest a. obern Kahajan.
Ref. number: B-30.63.125
Creator: Haffner, Hugo (Mr)
Date: Date late: 31.12.1938
Proper date: 01.01.1931-31.12.1938
Description: [Stamps]: "Museum der Basler Mission Basel, Missionsstrasse 21."
Subject: [Individuals]: H: Haffner, Hugo (Mr)
[Photographers / Photo Studios]: H: Haffner, Hugo (Mr)
[Geography]: Asia {continent}: Indonesia {modern state}: Kalimantan {region}
[Geography]: Asia {continent}: Indonesia {modern state}: Kalimantan {region}: Tewah {place}

"Sacrifice at a funeral, in the foreground the two traditional priests."

Title: "Sacrifice at a funeral, in the foreground the two traditional priests."
Alternate title: [translation] Sacrifice at a funeral, in the foreground the two traditional priests.
[original caption] Opfer bei Totenfest, i. Vordergrund 2 Zauberpriester.
Ref. number: B-30.63.126
Creator: Haffner, Hugo (Mr)
Date: Date late: 31.12.1938
Proper date: 01.01.1931-31.12.1938
Description: [Stamps]: "Museum der Basler Mission Basel, Missionsstrasse 21."
Subject: [Individuals]: H: Haffner, Hugo (Mr)
[Photographers / Photo Studios]: H: Haffner, Hugo (Mr)
[Geography]: Asia {continent}: Indonesia {modern state}: Kalimantan {region}
[Geography]: Asia {continent}: Indonesia {modern state}: Kalimantan {region}: Tewah {place}


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Tumbuhan Obat Suku Dayak Borneo Kalimantan

Sekilas tentang Seni Beladiri Pencak Silat Dayak Ngaju-Oot Danum di Pulau Borneo-Kalimantan